The author remembers Sputnik , “One small step for a man” , & Kirk's Enterprise...
This series is set on a real star ship in a real universe using real technology and done in the real Naval way...
Having been a Quartermaster / signalman in the Real floating service, the Coast Guard, where there Are Still Iron men and tin ships :). This series is dedicated to the Bluejackets, the lower deck, who crew these ships...........Lewis Brackett August 21st, 2016
“The Endeavor Voyages”
Scene one:
The Narrator speaks while the camera pans the bridge of the ship.:
United Terran Republic 2130 AD -- 173 AS ( After Sputnik) :)
UTR System Ship Endeavor 001
The first manned exploration outside the Solar System...
Unmanned probes with plasma torch propulsion have been sending back reports from the nearest stars for the last 30 years. Finally mankind has realized the dream of interstellar flight Inside Einstein's universe.
The theory had been proposed in the early years of the 21st century... Now, 100 years later, an interstellar ship can thrust itself along by literally expanding the universe behind itself and compressing the universe in front of it. … Just like happened in the legendary Big Bang !
Very carefully of course, and a starting “safe distance” from Earth !!!
set details:
The 5 officers sitting in front of displays in the back of the room, with about a dozen enlisted ratings at their stations around the bridge area...
Captain Anson tells the officer of the watch Lt Rush, , “pipe “ secure ship for leaving dock, & reports”
Yes Sir, she responds.. “Quartermaster, pipe the same”... Secure ship for leaving dock and reports”, "Aye sir" Quartermaster Crocker replied, then opened the ship-wide speaker... Spoke “ Now, all hands, all hands, Secure the ship for departing dock, all departments report secure to the Bridge... that is all”
echoed throughout the ship...
“Clean up that mess, Faster” the chief cook in the galley growled at the mess men..." I'll scrub the deck with your faces if you don't get it done yesterday”... 'Yes chief” they echoed, and they scrubbed faster...
In the paint locker seaman Jenkins nervously waited and waited for his petty officer to come have that “talk” with him—alone--, wondering if the “talk” would involve the petty officers fists .... And in the elevator ride up to their station two lovers had a tender moment for the 40 seconds the elevator would take....
Seriously, things haven't changed too much in 300 years, quartermaster Crocker daydreamed, thinking about a ship of the line sailing past the Plymouth harbor entrance leaving England to join Nelsons Armada off the Spanish coast... as some of his family had done in centuries past...
Brought up short by his impatient officer.. “Crocker, I havn't heard anything yet” to which He replied, “Ah- No green board yet, sir, no one reported in” to an unhappy face from Lt Rush and the Captains similar impatience... “See you write everything in your rough log, quartermaster” she said... “and I want to be able to READ it this time” “Yes Mam,” Crocker replied” and to himself “No, nothing much HAS changed in 300 years” and “at least they don't do flogging anymore” smiling to himself...
Finally, 11 minutes more, Quartermaster Crocker was able to report “Lt Rush, Greenboard; Ship secure for leaving dock sir”... the captain nodding, saying “bring her out lieutenant” She looked a little startled, then replied “helm, signal docking clamps off”... in a moment the ship was UN moored...
The slow centrifugal motion of the station at Luna Lagrange point Two propelled the ship outward away from the station.
Then “engage maneuvering jets, stabilize our departure”she added as the ship drifted away from the station... ensign Henry nervously echoed the command as he hovered over the autopilot ...
Quartermaster, “Raise Ship” the captain ordered ...QM Crocker echoed his order, then toggled the speakers to play the anthem of the fleet throughout the ship; and the surrounding space--to the music of a conductor centuries dead...
In 25 minutes, the helm said: “ ready to light the plasma drive SIR” the captain looked at his display again, checking all the co-ordinates … then taking a breath replied “Light the torch” and a few moments later a mile of incandescent flame followed the ship... everyone snuggled into their chairs at the ¼ G of the acceleration... the floor really became the floor again.
scene two
“Quartermaster, pipe full gravity drive in 10 minutes”, the captain ordered... “full gravity drive in 10 minutes, Aye Sir” QM Crocker echoed... then on the ships speakers “:Attention all hands, full gravity drive in 10 minutes” …
A few minutes later, all departments once more reporting ready, the ship lept forward at full thrust giving them their first full “gravity” since leaving the station...
It would be a couple days before they would be far enough away from Earth to engage the Star Drive.
"Mr Hakim", the captain spoke. “As is tradition, you as first officer, an officer from engineering, and the junior deck officer will join me for supper in my cabin... I've heard you play a mean game of Wist”?he asked. Mr Hakim smiled. “That has been said, Captain Anson ” “ by malicious losers, I'm sure” Captain Anson replied... “Very well then, 1800 hours & find those other two who play-but not too well” he added, grinning. Both men smiled again...
“I have paperwork” the captain announced, then disappeared into his adjoining sea cabin.. then stuck his head back out the door. “ call me if in doubt Lt” he said, then disappeared again...
A few minutes later the reliefs for the next watch appeared on the bridge... after 5 minutes of relaying ships information, the deck officer was relieved, then each bridge rating reported the same to the new Deck officer and filed below...
act three
Crocker entered the mess deck, hoping those mid watch sandwiches hadn't all disappeared “Hey Cookie, where're those sandwiches", he called out... The mess-slave stuck his tired face out of the kitchen door, , sighed, spoke “a few on the table other side of the bug juice” “Got several on my heels now, got enough?” the 'slave mumbled unintelligibly, then Crocker saw a dozen left... and it looked like the bug juice hadn't been cleaned in –forever-- you had to hold your nose drinking it... but it couldn't be worse – maybe- than the navy coffee... That coffee maker definitely hadn't been cleaned in months... too many rates definitely wanted that hard acid “real Navy” coffee... “Hey, Crocker”, Jenkins said...
“got any ham left” “you take what Mid Rats R' left, Jenkins” Randal quipped..." Hey, what happened to your face?" “had a talk with my PO” Jenkins replied... "he wasn't happy"... “ Is he happy now?” Crocker laughed... “Don't know yet”, Jenkins replied... "he hit me twice and I brought a hurtin on his head with a pipe I had stashed on top of the cabinet... He's still there, I shut the door—coming back up here, I relented a bit and piped needed assistance to that compartment... They find him & patch 'im up, guess... Might be in the brig tomorrow” … “we'll see” Randall growled, wolfing in his turkey and bacon...
"Why weren't you at the Pequod last night”?, Randal faced Crocker..." we waited for Hours for you to show... closed the place 'bout 2?" " I was with my girlfriend," Crocker replied. "You won't find a decent girl in a place like that." Randall, redfaced, muttered something intelligible, then some PO got between them said, “to bed with the lot O' You” !!They swigged the last of that awful juice, then left together............
Meanwhile, act four:
Wist, thought Lt Rush … thinking back years... I played it back when................ then the captain and 1st officer finished with the bridge watch, turned towards the sea cabin, Captain Anson nodded towards his juniors, entering... then collapsing into his deeply padded chair, announced “ Wist Gentlemen”.. Then said, “Oh, and lady”, with a nod to Lt Rush...
Lt McLeon from engineering asked to shuffle... did such a quick good job, everyone looked at him in suspicion... "Stacking the deck, Highlander?", Rush quipped At that everyone laughed.. 1st Hakim replied, "I'll deal", took the cards and concisely set 5 cards before each... “Like in Nelsons Navy?” Rush quietly asked? Captain Anson pursed his lips, “why, yes,ancient tradition ” he replied... "A game of Wist the night before action” “Said Nelson played the night before Trafalgar” “So We're supposed to engage the alien battle fleet tomorrow morning?” Rush said in sotto voice...
“I hope not” Captain Anson replied... “Our main armament is what pistols are in each officers safe... I dont think that would do much good up against an alien battle-cruiser with Laser pulse cannon”... “Me thinks you've read too much Sci-Fi” Hakim quipped... everyone laughed... “None of our probes have caused a response from any alien microbes so far” McLeon answered... All smiled...
“Anyway, to some cards” Captain Anson stated... And everyone examined his cards..........
---insert some card playing here---
After an hour and some un-orthodox playing by McLeon, Captain Anson called it a night... “win often, Highlander?” he challenged everyone chuckled.. “All the time, captain”, McLeon replied with a grin, then they parted...
Act Five
1st officer Hakim entered his quarters... Unlike most crew he had a room of his own... he stopped just inside the doorway, pausing to look at his family shield and crossed spears of the Masai warrior above his family altar... He then crossed the room bowed his head in a few moments of respect to his ancestors and his God... He found himself torn anew between his tribal gods and the missionary's God... Somehow he felt himself believing in both—and neither --as a man of science; and an officer in “the Service”...
Yes he had grown up in Nairobi, gone to pre-college there before being selected for the Naval Academy...
However his soul was still in the vast expanse of the Kenyan savanna, his lithe Tawney body moving like the wind, then stalking prey with his spear and shield as millennia of his ancestors had done...
And later that night laying under the expanse of the heavens as the great dragon moved majestically across the sky...
The first of my kind to the academy-and now to the stars- he thought in both pride and humility... I must be true to the code of the warrior... of my family; of my people... several minutes later, a beeping from his bedside console awoke him from his trance...
Act six
The “lower deck” was not really happy... or his section anyway, Crocker could see.... Jenkins had been put on report for just defending himself, thats how the lower ranks saw it anyway... While “their lordships” (meaning those in charge anyway) took a dim view of anyone striking a superior, be it a petty officer even... in centuries past it would have been a hanging offense, however things were not quite that dramatic today... Rumblings and rumors were that the PO was in as much trouble as Jenkins... As you can't have an officer or petty officers even assaulting their subordinates... so the discussion went back and forth in the bunk room... the room slept six, but some 30 people sat, lay, and stood around, the most vocal of then holding on how “”they”” --“their “lords and masters” should call it even and forget the whole thing.....
Crocker was trying to lay on his bunk but with two others sitting on it too it was a bit crowded :)
He didn't push them off with his feet as there was enough fuss going on anyway as it was... So he just lay there not listening any more then he had to to the opinions and cussing going on around him... his headphones and music did help to somewhat drown out -at least some- of the din, but only somewhat...
That went on back and forth forever... however finally some people filtered off, someone shouted “Hey enough already- Revillie in 3 hours-- I gotta get some sleep”” then the uninvited guests finally left so Crocker and the few others could get some rest...
The phone rang and Candy quickly reached over and fumbling strangled it before it could wake her partner beside her... It was one of those social media updates-at 0330??? then Candy saw the video footage of her and Sam kissing during that elevator ride going to Quarters during “Raise Ship”... Some twerp had seen the clip on the security camera and actually posted it !!! Her claws came out and she swore that that nerd twerp creep would pay with his/her/its Life,,,, when she tracked IT down... Sam asked sleepily, “whats that”? “Nothing, my love go back to sleep” Candy answered... and fumed to herself.... That twerp who posted their private moment--He/she/IT will pay!!!
Act seven:
A day/ Crown/Shekil later, QM Crocker mused as he filed onto the bridge with the rest of the evening watch... this was the big moment they had all been waiting for... in a short while, the ship would be engaging the Star Drive... to the Great out beyond, to the Far Star... The Torch had driven them on a course above the Solar Eliptic in the general direction of Proxima Centuri... To the world the media called “Pandora” After an early sci-fi epic,, Orbiting in the Goldilocks zone around a red dwarf star... The two probes sent in its direction had missed close aproach-badly it turned out... It was really hard to change course going a third of light speed... however, what results that were sent back were taunting and tempting... an oxygen, nitrogen atmosphere with some water vapor... yes tempting enough indeed...
Even though the planet looked a lot like Mars from the long miss distance the probes achieved...
Crocker communed with on watch QM Stephens... “Whats the word, Stephens”? “Greenboard, Crocker” She replied.. “maximum Torch, about ready to transition to star drive” she frowned... “guess you'll win the Jackpot” she added... “We all wanted to be on the bridge in the Big Moment... Now they say a little over an hour till Star Drive” “some say it might turn you a bit inside out for a bit” she grinned... “Looks all in shape Stevens, You're relieved” Crocker announced, turned to the new bridge watch officer Lt Rush. “Mam, I have relieved the QM” “Very well” she said. And to all, “ I have the watch” to various echos “Aye Mam” from around the bridge.
Up over the eliptic Crocker mused we sure dont want to run into anything... even our hundred yards of special Ice and the hulls ablative shielding wouldn't help much hitting a rock big enough... However the LiDar should pick up anything of any size first in time for us to sidestep it... cant turn at these velocities, but can push the ship sideways fast enough to avoid anything we Can see... Its the stuff you Can't see that could chip away our shields... and thats bad...
About then, 1st officer Hakim came out the Captians sea cabin's door, said: “about 45 minutes, Rush” Aye sir she replied.
Hakim then sat in his seat next to the helm... Toggling his intercom, “Engineering,Bridge” he said. “Lt McLean here 1st, “Mclean replied... “Ready to throttle down the torch?” Hakim asked... "Yes Sir" Mclean replied. “Ready to throttle down' “ Commence at 2020... off by 2100... have the drive warmed up by then” “Commence 2020 off by 2100 Sir. Already warming up the star drive coils sir be ready soon”McLean replied...”Very well, How long before we can go fast, McLean?” “As soon as she's ready sir,” McLean replied... Hakim sighed, “Very well, Let me know” “ “Aye sir” came the response....
“Gravity” got less and less. The captain got out of his sea cabin before he had to swim for it... just barely, Crocker noticed with a grin, meeting the captains eye. The captain had the grim look of responsibility & command...
“How soon, engineering" he asked Over the intercom... “in a few moments sir” was the reply.
Then Crockers stomach felt like it was being left behind as the ship surged forward... someone threw up across the bridge... then he felt like he was catching up to his stomach... The captain, a bit green looking himself, roared “What are you doing down there McLean ???” getting the reply “about got it adjusted, sir... The fine tuning is a ##&&**#--sorry sir” he said a moment later, obviously hassled...
Finally the surging subsided and the ship surfed forward as on the crest of a huge wave...
The forward view screen showed the outer worlds flashing past way under them as they picked up speed....They did still have a feeling of inertia, and “gravity” Crocker noticed... guess we can only go so fast or we would be sause on the deck... red sauce, too, he noted with a wiry sense of humor...
“Lost comms”, radio announced. “Very well”, Lt Rush replied. “Help LiDar watch for rocks” “Aye Mam” he said...
Really strange, Crocker thought... The forward view screen has a fish eye lens look, off to the side you can almost swear you see motion of the stars moving while the aft screen seems more wide angle... Maybe we're lucky we can see out at all...
His friend Cheryl sided up to him and murmered “Harry, this whole thing is making me -, well you know"... Crocker smiled back “Got the same feeling, Cheryl” he wispered back... "See you after watch?” She nodded, and moved back to her station... the Watch officer had been too mesmerized by the forward screen to notice...
Kind of a rush he thought to himself... I'd pinch myself trying to see if I was really here, but then Cheryl would have to kiss it to make it better...... he mused on that a while....... sounded great to him...
The remainder of the watch seemed to fly by, and before you knew it, their reliefs were there getting the scoop on what was going on... relieved, and yes relieved, Harry and Cheryl left the bridge together ... A few minutes later, after getting a bite to eat, they were taking the others clothes off and snuggling in bed...Her bed...
Act eight
The noon mess deck was a madhouse... everybody babbling, some much louder as trying to convince the whole table and maybe ajoining tables they were right... The loudest were-usually right-, Crocker dryly observed... or at least got the most attention... the Jenkins controversy still got center stage at three tables in the middle of the mess deck,, some junior Petty Officer exclaiming that it was Jenkins fault as he had wised off to his PO, then others shouted him down that his PO was an arrogant fool and deserved to be hit in the head... that just maybe his smart ass arrogoence might even get knocked out of him, if not by Jenkins then by them-All... Couple even demanded the PO be bum rushed to the showers and scrubbed within an inch of his life... with lie soap lest he lay a hand on one of them again... Babbel, Crocker smiled...
At an adjoining table, Sheila was all but mugging some poor wimp from Electronics accusing him of posting the video of their tender moment in that elevator... To catcalls, laughter snickering from the others... for a while it looked like she wanted to take on the whole table... finally, a senior PO from another table told them to “Stow their jets” shadddduppp in the commoner lingo... so with bad language and venom, she backed off, still erupting over what would happen to the guy if she caught him in a dark lonely place...
Act nine
In the Wardroom, decorum reigned... Well sort of anyway.... the officers were Ladies and Gentlemen.
Or at least the law said that they were... far above the “motley crew”... Engineer Mcleon was holding forth in his dark Scottish brogue on how it just wasn't his fault that everyone's stomach got turned inside out when he engaged the Star Drive.... “You see, laddies”, he tried to explain, “you just havta finesse ships engines like a reluctant virgin.”
To 1st lt Hakim, “Ya cant just pop the clutch like in your vintage Ford and stomp on the pedal”
By then everyone was laughing... “If you drop your transmission way out here, its a LONG walk home... And the nearest tow truck may take a while”... more laughter...
Mcleon was on a roll so also said to 1st: “I cant help it, laddie, if the gear gets stuck tween park and first” Hakim was holding his sides he was laughing so hard...
I trust next time will be smoother? Hakim gasped, “ Well you just never know about reluctant virgins”
the Highlander replied and everyone was helpless in laughter....
Finally, after the laughter subsided, McLeon added “we just dont have automatic machinery yet to smoothly transition to FTL... That'ill likely come-with time...
Scene Ten
The last part of the evening watch was always good, Crocker mused... All the officious unpleasant people were already in bed with only the Bridge officer and half a dozen ratings on watch...
How long to far star he wondered? Even the best minds in the establishment didnt know...know how fast they would be going & when they would be getting there... Some said two weeks , some said two days... The best they could do was keep the Centuri group just below the center of the screen... When the visual seperation of the Centuri suns reached a certain number of degrees, they had better adjust course and be ready to put on the brakes..He smiled at that ufamism … Come out of FTL and approach Proxima Centuri using the Torch... The moment they saw the tiniest disk, of Proxima, it was time...
A lot like the old navigation technique of parallel sailing in the days of Iron men and Wooden ships... He thought it was ironic that they would be resorting to a navigation technique a millennia old...
Sail up the coast to the latitude of a city then sail East Or West until you-almost- hit something :)
A few minutes later as he was thinking about the Sci-Fi he had read and how it had influenced his choice for the space service, Crocker's friend Cheryl inhaled sharply, almost a gasp, drawing looks from across the bridge... I think I have the right separation ,.. mam... she hastily added... Deck officer Rush punched the Engineroom comms button... “Engine-room-Bridge” She called. A rating answered and she loudly ordered “tell that duty officer be ready to stop Very soon, we're almost there”
She then toggled the Captain, getting a tired voice... Ly Rush stated” We have the right separation of the Centuri system sir” to his reply “on my way” almost immidiately Captain Anson came through his doorway, running his hand through his unruly hair... “How long ago” he asked? “Just now sir” Rush answered. Jones on the LiDar just noticed... The captain squinted at the distorted screen, not really sure how anyone could measure the distance between the suns through this seeming fisheye lens..
Considering how long we have been underway, sir, and this fact gives us a approximate speed of the drive... my guess we may have 4 hours before we must put on the brakes, sir” “about there give or take a short while sir” she added. “Very Well, call Mr Hakim” he ordered. “Aya Sir” Rush answered looked at Crocker. “I'll call him sir ah Mam” He corrected himself.. A few moments later, Hakim's tired voice answered. “Your wanted on the Bridge Sir' Crocker stated. This is QM Crocker and the Captain is here.
We have the correct seperation of the Centuri system sir”
“ On my way” Hakim replied.
1st Hakim is on his way Sir” QM Crocker said to both officers. They replied “Aye” in unison, then smiled at each other...
Three minutes later Mr Hakim opened the door to the Bridge... “You have the next few hours, stop the ship at your discretion, call me when you light the torch or as needed” the Captain said to Mr Hakim, then he retired to his sea cabin... Hakim's “Aye sir” saw his back.
Scene 11
Crocker had this dream that he was floating, almost being sick... then he woke to the noise and smell of someone retching in the hallway... Close that door, he hollered, waking up the rest of the people in the room. Then realizing he Was weightless, & without the pervasive hum of the star drive... All of a sudden he just HAD to go to the bathroom, unbuckled his bunk strap and pulled himself into the bathroom—after slamming the hall door cutting off the sight of that doubled over wretch in the hall way and his smell... Finally after 5 minutes he was feeling a little better.. By now they could hear the gradual ramping up of the plasma torch, and were getting a little gravity back... Crocker pulled himself over to the viewing screen in the room, keyed in the Bridge forward view screen and all four saw the tiny orb that was Proxima almost center of the screen... Well, someone else said “its not going to change very fast and I've got to get back to bed”... In a couple minutes they all agreed and offed the light... Before going back to sleep, Crocker remembered that other guy out in the hall and reported him to medical... then he was dead to the worlds as soon as his head once again hit his pillow....
Scene 12
“Great, Hakim, you're up” the captain said as 1st Hakim entered the bridge. “Seems we're about to orbit” Hakim replied. “Yes, and a magnificent sight” the captain replied... “We'll be going into a polar orbit so the mappers can get everything... looks like its kinda barren around the equator, but lots of clouds and water at the higher latitudes... We've even seen small seas through breaks in the clouds.” he added. “So thats where we want the landing team to go” Hakim half asked and stated. Yes, I understand Ms Rush is a geologist, have her lead one team, and you lead the other. Take Fredrick, He's competent with climate and Earth sciences... Round out your teams with talented rates”Captain Anson stated. “Aye Sir. QM, contact Lt Rush and Fredricks... and yes, ….......Johnson as well, have them here in 30 minutes”. “30 minutes, Aye sir” she replied, and it was so...
Scene 13
The landing craft was certainly hitting every pothole, Crocker mused as they broke through the clouds...Lots of turbulence , maybe even a thunderstorm building... He couldnt believe his luck... guess Rush more than tolerates me he smiled to himself... She had said “Since you're into ancient languages, history, archaeology, Crocker, I want you along” “For comms, Lt”? he had asked. “your friend Jones seems competent” she had replied... So the four of them (with Lt Johnson) had been one team... Hakim had chosen the other. This LCEP was spartan, but sure held enough stuff... Most of the science stuff had half a mind of its own and would be scattering around like hunting dogs on a scent once they touched down... Planetary science scans had sniffed out a suitable landing site on the Northern side of one of the higher latitude seas on a stip of land just a few Kilometers below another smaller sea... had said the weather & climate should be fairly good there... The air was thin but breathable at sea level... simular to about 9000 feet on Earth... The tempertures about 75f degrees today...This worlds Equatorial highlands would have been almost as inhospitable as Mars, and very very hot...
Lt Johnson was sitting in the front next to Lt Rush who was doing the piloting... “Right there, that level spot next to the sea”, he exclaimed, and Rush brought the craft to a stop, then after a moments hesitation, brought the craft into a landing... 1st Hakim's party were hundreds of miles away...
They were already in their isolation suits, and it only took a few minures to cycle Rush and Johnson through the airlock... She stepped out first, said “We're here” Jones quipped you mean a small step for a girl and giant leap for womenkind, dont you! “ They all laughted... “Johnson and I are going down to the ocean, you two see the 'bots get to work” Rush ordered. Both echoed “Aye Mam”
After a few minutes, the 'bots out & running around doing 'bot things, Harry said to Cheryl “ those rocks over there sure look wierd” the whole surrounding area was just a gentle slope down to the sea...
So, hand in hand they walked the 200 yards over to them … A few yards away Harry suddenly stopped, his heart skipped a beat then he said "Cheryl, my Love, these were buildings !!! He had seen simular things in digs in Assyria... yes, everything was well worn by centuries; mellinnias of wear through sand and water, but yes, these were buildings... Then stepping through what may have once been a door, before him was a wide squat truncated cone of noble metal polished but not at all eroded by the ages and as they stood in shock, they could see ancient inscriptions engraved on it, but in no tounge Harry had ever seen... His first impulse was that he was looking at a combination script, both pictrograms and writing as the Egyptians had used.... Looking back over his shoulder at the acre of flat landing zone he immidiately saw that it to had to have been constructed by someone or something eons ago...
All of a sudden, Harry remembered his duty.
“Ah, Lt Rush, mam, we have buildings and a written language here... interested”?
Where-away” Rush replied. “those odd pile of rocks a couple hundred yards from the Craft are buildings- and we found writing; lots of it” he replied... “on my way” Lt Rush said.
10 minutes later they too were awe struck at the find, slowly circling the ancient artifact.
“Wonder what it says” Johnson finally asked.
“an old poem sums it up nicely, I think” Harry replied...
“I am Ozymandias king of kings look on my works, ye mighty, and despair--- and around the broken half buried statue, the desert stretched far........
They all smiled at that... an hour later, as they had found no other relics, they returned to the Craft, whistled to the “bots who came scurrying back. A couple minutes later, Lt Rush raised ship
The Beginning